Office of Hostel
Indian Institute of
Technology Madras, Chennai 600036
Sub: Mess rebate rules
– reg.
1 The mess rebate is
available only for a continuous period of four days.
2 Vacation category students are not eligible for mess rebate during vacation as they are
supposed to register for mess for the period of dining only.
3 Mess rebate claims will be considered under
academic reasons (attending seminar, workshop, conferences,
Internship etc.,), leave sanctioned by Department (casual leave, ODL etc.,) and
Medical grounds.
4 Students should apply separately for
rebate at least three days in advance online portal www.hosteldine/ Please ensure your online
application is approved by your Guide and HoD.
5 No offline application shall be accepted.
6 If, the total number of leave days at a
stretch exceed more than 15 days, you need to upload
a supporting document (i.e. permission letter from your department
signed both Guide and HoD or an official order from academic
section or Medical certificate in the case of under medical grounds.
7 Students leaving the hostel for
internship/exchange program for 90 days and above should vacate the hostel and
surrender the room following due procedure of submitting room vacating form.
Informing department alone and leaving the hostel and request for waiver of
mess charges after return (quoting instructions are not known) will not be
considered. A suitable fine for both boarding and lodging will be levied.
8 Mess is mandatory for Hostellers. Students
cannot mess out on their own and cannot claim mess
rebate for the same.
9 Mess rebate claimed out of Department
sanctioned leave will not be considered
Chairman, (Council of Wardens) &
Hostel Management
All the Residents.
CC to: CCW., DOST., The
Chairman, MMC and All the Wardens-for kind information. All the hostel offices
for kind information and compliance.
DR (Students), CFO, CCW
office and Hostel affairs Secretary-for kind information.
Office of the Chairman Council of Wardens and Hostel Management
IIT Madras, Chennai - 600 036
Phone: +91 44 2257 8500, Email: Contact